
Welcome to Neon City Archives or NCArchives for short. This website is dedicated to Miis, and it's mainly an archive of fanworks featuring a fan adaptation of Miitopia and its universe.

If you want to learn more about this site and details about these fanworks, please click on the About tab in the navigation bar on the left.


This site is still a huge work-in-progress. Webmaster's a newbie to programming and learned it in less than a month. Updates will come slow, so please come back later. Sorry about that.

This website is poorly programmed to be responsive, best viewed with a 1920 x 1080 screen at fullscreen. Mobile web response is still on the way.

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green arrow Please be aware that some pages on this site will have autoplaying music.

green arrow This site also uses pseudo-elements to style certain functions, thus using a Chromium-based browser to view this site is recommended.

Not sure where to begin? Here are some pointers to get you started:

green arrow Please read About if you haven't already, it explains what this site is about and its contents!

green arrow Want to read details about what's going on behind the scenes? Please check out the Blog.

green arrow Need help navigating this site? The site is small currently, but links to pages and detailed explanations of what each page contains will be in the Sitemap. Use it well.

Happy browsing!


This site would not have been made possible without these folks:

Want to link back to this site? Sure.


Neon City Archives (NCArchives or NCA for short) is primarily a collective of writings, specifically, fanfiction of Miitopia and the lore surrounding it. This site may contain other works such as artwork and curated playlists, but the main focus of Neon City Archives is the writing.

In-universe, Neon City Archives is an archival of Mii history, mostly collected and recorded from the perspective of the hero of Miitopia.

Neon City Archives

"Neon City Archives"

Sit back, it's a long story.

Neon City Archives started out as a concept after finishing 3DS Miitopia back in early 2021. The concept was inspired by the Ex-Dark Lord's limited interactions with the protagonist of the game, especially in post-game.

Miitopia was the stepping stone in learning more about Miis and reigniting Webmaster's love for Miis.

Eventually, The Weight of Miitopia (or TWoM, for short) was born, a fanfiction concept of post-game Miitopia and an expansion of its lore. It was never formally written though, and was shelved due to Webmaster's uncertainty about their writing quality.

However, their love for Miitopia and Miis made The Weight of Miitopia a constant floating idea in Webmaster's mind. Hence, in the following years, Dear Saviour of Miitopia was born, a loose spin-off one-shot of The Weight of Miitopia that was made to test the waters of Webmaster's writing ability, and to see how it would be received on Archive of Our Own (Ao3) in 2023.

(Since this site is a work-in-progress, if you want to go ahead and read Dear Saviour of Miitopia on Ao3, you can here.)

With positive reception, Webmaster kept TWoM in mind for the next few years, until finally they gathered all their courage and diligence to tackle on this project that had been floating in their mind for four years.

Webmaster knew that the Mii community would've wanted more Mii content anyway, and was determined in spreading the Mii love, regardless of how amateur they think their skills might be.

Neon City Archives is a love letter to all Mii fans. From a Mii fan, for Mii fans.

Learning about and creating a personalized website was a great way to host the collection online, along with corresponding updates, and other fun stuff for fans to enjoy.

Written works here will be cross-posted on Ao3, of course. That door is always open for those who prefer reading Neon City Archives' content on Ao3 for whatever reasons.

Keep in mind that Webmaster's a newbie to programming, they hope they can continue to learn it alongside developing their own art and writing practices here on NCArchives.

Yeah, very funny. Neon City Archives is named after the Japanese name for New Lumos from Miitopia, being ネオンシティ (Neon City). It's a location that holds prominence within the story, and this series needed a name other than "The Weight of Miitopia Series", anyway.

This website's aesthetic is aimed to be Technozen! Webmaster was drawn to this calming aesthetic and thought this category of Frutiger Aero would resonate strongly with fans. It's an aesthetic that's a little hard to emulate though...

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If this website is having issues, bugging out, falling apart, seconds away from exploding or whatever, please contact via this email: NCArchives@protonmail.com.
This email is for bug reports only, thanks.


This is the sitemap! If navigation on this site confuses you, you've come to the right place. Click on the page names to jump to said page.

green arrow Home

That's the landing page and main page of Neon City Archives. General information about the site is written there.

green arrow About

The About page contains more in-depth information and details about the website and its contents. Especially about this project, Neon City Archives.

green arrow Blog

The Blog page is different from the homepage's blog, which is mainly used for a preview of the most recent news, shortened and limited for quick and easy viewing. The Blog page is dedicated to expanding on such updates and explaining such news. It's not quite traditionally a "blog" but it's a collection of status updates and changelogs of some sort.

green arrow Sitemap

You are currently on this page! As the name suggests, this is the page where you can find information about other pages on this site and navigate to them with ease.